Education Services
Project Ready: Greenville

Education Services
Our Youth Services department works with children and youth ages 5 to 18 to help give them the tools to succeed in their educational career. We also work with youth to help ready them for successful careers.
21st Century
An after-school program in Union County that works to address areas of opportunity with youth. The program offers life skills, academic remediation, course correction, parent engagement and enrichment activities.
Right Step Juvenile Diversion
A fast track juvenile diversion program designed to prevent youth that are in the early stages of criminal involvement from becoming further involved in the juvenile justice system. Services include case management, community service projects, youth leadership development, crime prevention and pro-social, and life skills workshops.
Project Ready
Signature Program of the National Urban League – helps 6th-12th grade students make academic progress, benefit from cultural enrichment opportunities and develop important skills, attitudes and aptitudes that will aid in their transition from middle and high school and position them for post-secondary success.