Vaccine Hesitancy

Vaccine Hesitancy

Vaccine Hesitancy   Vaccine hesitancy is a significant challenge within minority communities. The reluctance to get vaccinated stems from a complex mix of historical, social, and systemic factors that have eroded trust in the healthcare system. At the McClaren...
Helping Our Communities to Quit Smoking

Helping Our Communities to Quit Smoking

Helping our Communities to Quit Smoking    One of the most pressing health issues we face in our community is the difficulty many Black Americans encounter when they’re trying to quit smoking. This challenge involves a mix of historical, social, and systemic factors...
The Crisis of Maternal Mortality

The Crisis of Maternal Mortality

The Crisis of Maternal Mortality    Pregnancy should be a time of joy and anticipation, but for far too many Black women, it comes with significant, often fatal, risks. Over 80 percent of pregnancy-related deaths could be prevented with the right changes and equitable...